We are retailers for many large awning companies, including; Vango, Westfield, Isabella, & Dorema. If you are interested in a particular awning from one of these brands or even if you just want some advice, then get in touch with us on 01622 859301 and one of our knowledgeable staff will be more than happy to help.
Sizing Guide
If you are looking for a full awning (awnings which cover the full length of the awning rail) then all we require is the awning rail measurement. This can normally be found in your owner's manual. If possible - please also let us know the make and model of your caravan so that we can double-check for you.
If you are interested in a porch awning then you just need the measurement of the straight section of awning rail that you would like the awning to occupy. When you measure this take into consideration where the windows & any vents on your caravan are - as ideally these should not be covered by the edges of the awning.
*Please note that although we can offer advice, final sizing is the responsibility of the customer and awnings cannot be returned due to incorrect sizing.
What Do We Keep In Stock?
We keep in stock the Vango range of inflatable caravan awnings, with several on display across our site. Typically we have ample stock of the entire Vango range, with extremely competitive pricing - but if you are interested then please feel welcome to phone us ahead of your visit on 01622 859301 and we will gladly fill you in on our current stock levels and special offers.
Awnings from our other brands are unfortunately not kept in stock at our site - however, they can normally all be ordered and delivered to us within 2-5 days depending on supplier stock.